What makes a good friend? Is it loyalty? Honesty? Communication? Accountability? A connection? Amount of time spent together? Is there one thing in particular that brings the two people together, or does it take a mixture of these things?
Why do I have the friends I have in my life? Have I chosen them to be in my life, or has it just happened without much effort? Am I the type of person I'd like to be friends with? What can I do to be a better friend? These are just some of the questions I've been wondering about as I think about friendship.
I am here in MD, still without a good connection or community, and I long for some good girlfriends. Ones that I can call up and chat away with about anything and nothing. Ones that I can see each week. Ones that I can drop Jak off with and not worry about him being with someone I don't know too well.
I just need a good friend, or two.
I want to laugh. I want to create memories. I want to be able to say "I'm going over to so-and-so's house, be back in a bit!" I want to have a buddy. Want to be a buddy.
Please pray for me if you are so inclined, that God would bring me a good friend to share life with.
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