My Journey

"The fact that I am a woman does not make me a different kind of Christian, but the fact that I am a Christian does make me a different kind of woman. For I have accepted God's idea of me, and my whole life is an offering back to Him of all that I am and all that He wants me to be." -Unknown

Location: Maryland, United States

I'm a follower of Christ. I strive to honor and please Him in all I do. I'm married to Jeffery (9/3/05). I'm learning how to be a Godly Wife, and I'm rediscovering myself while I'm at it. I'm a new Mother--even more new discovering!--to Jeffery Alan, II, aka Jak (11/18/06). I'm learning how to keep Jesus first in all ways, how to be the best Wife and Mother I can be, and still give myself grace at the same time. I'm a student of life. I like to have fun. I like to laugh and I like to cry. I love people. I love this precious gift of LIFE.

Thursday, June 15, 2006


Neighborhoods are a funny thing. Gone are the days where people sat on their front porches, waved to passers-by and knew everyone that lived on their street, and sometimes the next street or two over.

Now it's the each-to-his-own mentality for most people on the street. People mind their own business, mow only up to their property line and no further, and sit out on their back decks in "privacy".

I hate that. But I'm guilty of it. How long have I lived in this house and do I know anyone who lives in this corner of the world yet? No.

Well, today I made a step in the right direction. There is a man who I've been watching since we moved here. He and his wife live on the corner of our street and they're outside most days. He gets on his riding lawn mower each week and cuts the grass, and some weeks he cuts the field next to his house. He tends to the beautiful gardens they have around the house, and he sits a lot, shaded by the garage, watching the world go by on his corner.

Oftentimes I wonder what he must think of me, the woman who is at home all the time but never out. I go out to get the mail of course, but come right back in. Occasionally I'll sit on the front porch now that the chairs are out there, but mostly I stay inside (remember the "attic" I mentioned last post?). I peek out the doorway and watch he and his wife interact, I watch from my bedroom window, I hear his loud, deep voice and watch him talking. It's like a game I guess: Learn who your neighbors are without ever meeting them!!!

Today, I waved to him!

He was out when I went to get the mail, and of course, I was watching him, and this time he saw me! Soon I think I'll go over there and introduce myself to them. I do believe we may be the only ones on the street that are home each day, so we could very well strike up a friendship here on the Hill!

Maybe I'll even bake something and take it over...Goodies always get 'em.


Blogger Frank said...

Definitly go for the goodies!!!!
YUMMMMM! Works for me everytime :-)

3:50 PM  

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