Baby Weekend
My Mom's birthday came and went, and so did the full moon. Apparently baby wants it's own birthday and the moon has no effect on me.
When I found out that I was pregnant, I calculated the due date and looked around for other significant dates near November 8th. I immediately thought about how wonderful it would be to have my first child on my Mom's birthday. We are so close and share such a unique bond, and this would be so fitting for our tender relationship. I also noticed that paired with my Mom's day was a full moon! I've heard that full moons can trigger labor and so I was convinced that I would deliver this weekend.
And here we wait!
I have 2 more days before I'm 40 weeks pregnant. 40 weeks! It seems like such a long time, but at the same time it has really flown by. It's like one of those things where you can look back to 10 years ago and think it was just yesterday, and also think it's been eons ago. Anyways, I feel good, but am very tired. My Mom reminds me that I don't even know what tired is yet and I know she's right. I try to rest but find that there are just too many other things I'd like to do/get done before I fall compeletely in love with this baby. Health-wise, I've been able to keep my swelling to a minimum with some herbal teas, and my evening companion, Mr. Heartburn, seems to have taken a back seat which has been nice. I've gotten some great sleep the past two nights as well, which is heaven-sent. Must be a pre-Mothering gift of some sort!
I was getting quite anxious the other day, thinking and wondering and questioning when this child would come. WHEN??? Then I realized this was starting to consume me and knew that the only thing that could help was surrenduring it all up to the Lord. So I prayed. I asked for a bit of patience and lots of peace, knowing in my heart that when it was time, He would bring forth this life. Doing that gave me instant relief, which made me sit in gratitude for the awesome power of God. He is with me, more than I will ever know. I know I take that for granted most every day, but at those times where I acknowledge His presence and soveriengty, I sit in awe in the ways that He fills me. This was a good reminder to have as I await the next phase of my life.
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