My Journey

"The fact that I am a woman does not make me a different kind of Christian, but the fact that I am a Christian does make me a different kind of woman. For I have accepted God's idea of me, and my whole life is an offering back to Him of all that I am and all that He wants me to be." -Unknown

Location: Maryland, United States

I'm a follower of Christ. I strive to honor and please Him in all I do. I'm married to Jeffery (9/3/05). I'm learning how to be a Godly Wife, and I'm rediscovering myself while I'm at it. I'm a new Mother--even more new discovering!--to Jeffery Alan, II, aka Jak (11/18/06). I'm learning how to keep Jesus first in all ways, how to be the best Wife and Mother I can be, and still give myself grace at the same time. I'm a student of life. I like to have fun. I like to laugh and I like to cry. I love people. I love this precious gift of LIFE.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Sweet Surprises

I hinted on my Feb. 11 post that I'd soon be enjoying all things Buffalo, and that's exactly what I did!

I arrived on the 15th to surprise my girl Jen for her birthday. After being gone almost two months, I decided to go home and visit while Jeff went to FL on business. I'm so glad that I choose to go back was great to see everyone, and Jen was completely shocked!

I planned in advance w/ her husband for her to meet me at the Poppyseed--mmm-- at 5:20. Louise picked me up from the airport and after a very sweet visit, she drove me around to prepare for Jen. Then we waited in the parking lot so we could watch for her to arrive. I kinda felt like I was back in high school again, ducking down in my seat and having a look-out buddy watch for me! How fun!

Jen arrived and once we realized that she wasn't going to wait in her car, we prepared for the ambush. We walked in a few minutes later than she, and as we did, the servers got silent (they knew this was a big surprise) and Jen looked up. At first, she looked confused and surprised all together, and I think once those brain signals crossed, the realization that it was me and I was in town hit her all at once and she ran over to hug me!!! It was great.

We finished the evening with dessert at Butterwoods (another good Buffalo place) and she brought me home. It was sooo good to see her and just be around each other. Two months isn't really that long, but it was long enough. I think she was surprised that I'd come to Buffalo for her day, but why wouldn't I? I love that girl! And besides, it was a good excuse for me to get my skin all dry and chaffed, and to freeze my butt off while I was at it.

I spent the next day running errands for myself and my Mom. Saw some new buildings they put up since I left, drove down all the familiar roads. I was reminded of the burden that this city carries. You mention in the airport (or anywhere for that matter) that you're headed to this Queen City, and everyone has some sort of comment about how cold/snowy/dirty/old/behind this place is. So you give them that understanding look that says you know, but you're going anyway.

There's a lot that stinks about Buffalo, but there's a lot that's great about it, too. I had a good 10 days enjoying the goodness, including the 18 degree weather.

After being totally wiped out from family/friend/church visits I was ready to come back to MD. I missed my honey and missed being here believe it or not! My flight was easy and quick, and I met Jeff at the airport a little while after I arrived. He was all tan, looking spiffy with his new hat and sunglasses. We gave each other a great big smile and hug, and all felt right again. We decided that 10 days apart is just way too long for us. We may be sissys, but at least we can admit it!!!


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