Hi-Ho Hi-Ho, It's Off to Church We Go!
We are still church hunting, which is kinda fun for us. We've been to two already, not counting BACC (still reigning as #1). One was a Baptist church and the other was non-denominational. We've got about 4 more to check out before we start looking closer to the city of Baltimore. We went to the Baptist one last week and it was OK. There was good theology, pretty decent worship, and many welcoming people. It seemed like it was mostly middle-aged and we couldn't really get a feel for what they do in the community, but overall, it was alright. I have to admit, I was expecting a stuffy congregation and old hymns that I'd never heard of. I know we're all brothers and sisters in Christ but you always hear these stories and I just expected it to be a bit more dry than what I'm used to. But surprisingly, it wasn't! People were even dancing in their seats (surprise Nancy H.)!
We left there and had time to go to BACC (yes, two services in a day, it was fine), which was a great thing because it identified for us which we liked better. The whole feel at Bay Area was just great... vibrant, passionate, young. So, we were able to cross one off the list!
Today, we went the non-denom. church in Annapolis. I was pretty excited, and still am, because obviously the more you go to, the more you're able to cross off or say, "Hmm, this could work." Well, this one is not going to work. We left early. And we couldn't get to BACC cause it was too late, so despite my excitement, there was also this feeling of being let down. Figure, if you spend your Sunday morning planning on worshiping God, you'd like it to be fruitful too, right? Well, what happens when you go to a place and it's exactly...boring? Dry? Simple? I mean, I don't want to go to various churches and nit-pick at all of the +'s and -'s, but how else do you pick a church that you want to invest in and be invested in? So you go, and you spend your time, and if it works, then great! If not, then here's hoping next week is better.
Hey, if at the very least we end up at BACC, then we know for sure that's where we are meant to be.
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