My Journey

"The fact that I am a woman does not make me a different kind of Christian, but the fact that I am a Christian does make me a different kind of woman. For I have accepted God's idea of me, and my whole life is an offering back to Him of all that I am and all that He wants me to be." -Unknown

Location: Maryland, United States

I'm a follower of Christ. I strive to honor and please Him in all I do. I'm married to Jeffery (9/3/05). I'm learning how to be a Godly Wife, and I'm rediscovering myself while I'm at it. I'm a new Mother--even more new discovering!--to Jeffery Alan, II, aka Jak (11/18/06). I'm learning how to keep Jesus first in all ways, how to be the best Wife and Mother I can be, and still give myself grace at the same time. I'm a student of life. I like to have fun. I like to laugh and I like to cry. I love people. I love this precious gift of LIFE.

Friday, December 23, 2005

Brief update

The letter is written and sent out, along w/ our beautiful picture, I just love it. All of the cookies are made and the (few) presents are bought. Some goodbyes have been made, few tears have been shed and some things of ours are already in MD. We've got just 6 days to go, and two of those days we'lll be celebrating Christmas, so that seems like we've got just 4 days left. Wow did it fly by.

Today we're off to Corning to see Jeff's family for a wedding, which fit in nicely right around the holidays and our move so we'll be able to see them once more before the big move. Then it's on to the Biela-Goble family to celebrate Jesus' birth and we're really looking forward to that. We feel honored to be invited and I'm sad cause I know saying goodbye will be tough after spending this precious time w/ them. Tomorrow it's Christmas Eve at my Mom's: lots of food and loudness, present opening and the kids' annual on-the-stairs skit. I'll fill you in on what they decide to sing this year and who the star players are later. Then on Christmas we'll sleep in and enjoy one another, go to church to worship Christ, do a quick visit at Gram's and Dad's too, come home and do some more enjoying, and then we'll be off to see the Weber clan, which will again be another sad farewell. I've been invited to most of the Easter and Christmas holidays at Ron and Betty's house, and when Jeff came along he got invited too! It's been a special time with sort of a second family of mine. More on this later. There's the most brief update I could give right now!


Blogger Frank said...

The HONOR is OURS to be able to have you and Jeff share in our Christmas festivities! We are looking sooooo forward to seeing yous.
Dinner was FANTASTIC the other night. We had a lot of fun!
Merry CHRISTMAS! See you tonight.

11:29 AM  

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